The ASB Organization is established for promoting the total activities program of St. Bonaventure High School and for coordinating all events and projects which are classified as extracurricular. Details of the activities program may be found in the Activities Handbook which may be consulted through the ASB Moderator.
Student Government
The Student Council has been set up to establish democratic procedures governing student activities and to develop a sense of responsibility, growth in self-discipline, intelligent leadership, student-to-student-to-teacher cooperation, scholarship, school spirit and true Christian virtues. The Associated Student Body Government makes the student more involved in governmental affairs in conjunction with the administration and faculty. Its aim is to promote a harmonious relationship throughout the school by means of organized activities and projects. In such activities and projects the students use their responsibility by working in the interests of their fellow students.
ASB Bylaws & Constitution
We, the members of the Associated Student Body of Saint Bonaventure High School, in order to develop students of high moral and spiritual caliber, establish a high quality of citizenship, promote high standards of scholarship, encourage close harmony among the student body, the administration and the faculty, and in order to unify the students in a cooperative and constructive organization, do establish this constitution for the Associated Student Body of Saint Bonaventure High School.
Article I: Name
We, the students of Saint Bonaventure High School, have resolved to adopt as our name, "Associated Student Body of Saint Bonaventure High School."
Article II: Membership
All eligible students and faculty members shall constitute the members of this organization.
Article III: Source of Power
Section 1. Power of Principal
The authority of this organization is derived from the principal of this high school. All appointed and elected members are subject to his approval. The principal shall appoint an advisor to Student Council, all classes, clubs and organizations on campus.
Section 2. Power of Students
All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in the Associated Student Council of Saint Bonaventure High School.
Article IV: Officers
Section 1. Elected Officers
The elected officers of the Associated Student Body (ASB) shall be president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and historian. Each class shall elect class officers that correspond to the ASB officers. Each club must have at least two elected officers.
Section 2. Term
The officers specified in section one shall be elected for the term of one scholastic year.
Article V: Legislature (Cabinet)
Section 1. The Student Council or Cabinet
a. The cabinet shall be composed of the following members: ASB officers (executive board), class officers, and recognized representatives from each club and organization.
b. The legislative powers of the cabinet shall exist for one scholastic year.
c. A cabinet member shall become ineligible if he misses three meetings without presenting a satisfactory excuse to the advisor. Two tardies equals one absence.
d. All decisions of the Student Council must have the approval of the faculty advisor and be submitted to the principal for final analysis before the decision goes into action.
Section 2. Duties and Powers of the Cabinet
a. To pass all legislation required for the best interests of the student body.
b. To determine methods for raising a student body fund and the budgeting of such a fund.
c. To award recognition for outstanding service to Saint Bonaventure High School.
d. To grant charters to organizations under the student body and to suspend or expel such organizations.
e. To release money to organizations under the student body subject to the approval of the principal.
f. To add or amend any by-laws of this Constitution by a three-fourths vote.
g. To represent the classes in the carrying out of all student body sponsored activities and to represent the student body to the classes.
h. To assume responsibility for all student body properties.
i. To provide example and assistance to the student body.
j. To approve all pins, emblems, sweaters, or other forms of identification.
k. To assume all responsibility for any student activity sponsored by Saint Bonaventure High School or ASB.
Section 3. Meetings
a. The Cabinet shall meet at a specific time, at least once a month.
b. All members, including the president, have the right to one vote on all measures.
c. A quorum shall consist of one-third of the voting members of the Cabinet.
d. Vacancies shall be filled by the President with the consent of the advisor and the majority of the Cabinet.
Section 4. Eligibility Requirements
a. All cabinet candidates and officers shall have an average grade of "C" in the semester preceding their candidacy and shall be in good Disciplinary standing.
b. No student credited with less than one semester in Saint Bonaventure High School (exception - freshman class officers) or with more than a total of ten semesters in high school shall be eligible for a cabinet office.
Article VI: Amendments
Section 1. Proposal or Ratification
Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by two-thirds majority of the Executive Board or by a petition signed by not less than thirty percent of the qualified voters of the Associated Student Body and approval by the principal and Cabinet.
Section 2. Adoption
a. Amendments may be adopted through ratification by a two-thirds majority of the Cabinet, provided such a proposal has been discussed in a previous Cabinet meeting.
b. Amendments can be adopted through ratification by a two-thirds majority of the qualified voters of the student body, provided that the written notice of such has been posted at least one week prior to voting.
Article VII: Adoption of Constitution
This Constitution shall take effect when ratified by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Student Council at a meeting called for that purpose.
ASB Organization
The ASB Organization is established for promoting the total activities program of the school and for coordinating all events and projects which are classified as extracurricular. Details of the activities program may be found in the Activities Handbook which may be consulted through the ASB Moderator.
II. Student Government
The Student Council has been set up to establish democratic procedures governing student activities and to develop a sense of responsibility, growth in self-discipline, intelligent leadership, student-to-student-to-teacher cooperation, scholarship, school spirit and true Christian virtues. The Associated Student Body Government makes the student more involved in governmental affairs in conjunction with the administration and faculty. Its aim is to promote a harmonious relationship throughout the school by means of organized activities and projects. In such activities and projects the students use their responsibility by working in the interests of their fellow students.
A. Membership:
Membership consists of the offices listed in Article IV, Section 1 of the St. Bonaventure High School Constitution and By-laws.B. Elections:
Student Body elections are held in the first part of May. A nomination convention, composed of delegates selected from each class, will meet prior to the ASB general elections to select nominees for each of the five ASB positions. Class officers, with the exception of the freshmen, must be elected within two weeks of the Student Body elections. Freshmen class elections will be held in the Fall. The Student Body President shall appoint two persons from the freshmen class to act as representatives to the Student Council until their elections are held. Club presidents should be elected during the last two weeks of school. Candidates for any elected office must be approved by the Dean of Students. A committee will be set up to work with a group of interested freshmen to help organize their elections. All elections shall be organized and run by the Student Council Election Committee.
A. Banquets:
Awards for outstanding sportsmanship are given twice a year at the sports awards banquet for the boys and the special awards banquet for the girls. Special awards are given to the other organizations on an individual basis and arrangements are made by the moderator of each organization.B. Homecoming:
Activities include a "spirit week" which involves special noon activities, a special pep rally and a homecoming dance. The dance is open to the student body, alumni and friends, but guest passes must be obtained from the attendance office. During the week princesses are elected to represent each class, and the special half-time activities during the annual football game include the crowning of the homecoming queen.C. Prom:
The Junior-Senior Prom is held in the spring. Only a junior or senior enrolled at St. Bonaventure may invite another person. No freshmen at St. Bonaventure or any other school is permitted to attend the prom.D. School rings:
Juniors receive their class rings at a special ceremony during the junior year.E. Senior Graduation Week:
Activities celebrating the graduation class include Awards Assembly, Baccalaureate Mass, Graduation and Disneyland Grad Nite.F. Retreat:
Annual retreats are held for each class. The schedule of retreats is determined by Campus Ministry.G. Blood drives:
Blood drives are held in the fall and spring to help supply blood to local agencies and hospitals. Restrictions on donating blood are announced prior to the event.
The Catholic ideal of education demands the training of the whole individual, hence we find at St. Bonaventure a program of extra-curricular activities that fulfill the religious and recreational needs of students, gives them an opportunity for developing individual interests and, at the same time, teaches conscientiousness and good morals. Membership in all school organizations is open to all interested students who meet the necessary qualifications. Each club or organization has its own requirements. Students are urged to participate in activities with the idea of contributing and not just belonging. Every student is encouraged to participate in at least one extra-curricular activity.
All existing clubs must have a statement of purpose, a list of sponsored activities and membership requirements on file with the ASB Moderator. No club may hold initiation activities either on or off campus. The administration reserves the right to review and approve all materials published by any organization in the school.
A. Arches (Student Yearbook):
The Arches staff records the year's activities and publishes the permanent record of school life. The yearbook is both extra-curricular and curricular. The editor-in-chief and editors must have satisfactory grades, and are assigned their duties corresponding as nearly as possible to their major interests.B. Band:
The high school band is composed of students who have some knowledge of band, are able to read music and have their own instrument. Band members meet before school and play at athletic events and other school functions.C. Campus Ministry (A.C.T.S.):
The Campus Ministry provides all students with "A Chance To Serve" and takes care of all the spiritual activities of the school, such as retreats, Masses, youth day and special events. ACTS is open to all students.D. Cheerleaders:
The purpose of this group is to rally students, to encourage players in their competitive endeavors and to add interest and zest to athletic demonstrations. The cheerleaders act as hostesses to visiting students. To be eligible a student must have a satisfactory conduct record and must have and maintain a 2.0 GPA. They are considered representatives of the school and must therefore be involved in all facets of school life including fund-raising activities. The cheerleader moderator compiles, supervises and enforces the rules of the pep squad.E. Drama:
Any student willing to participate in some aspects of drama - acting, make-up, set design, costuming - is eligible. The aim of the Drama Club is to develop poise and leadership in its members and to train them not only in acting but also in set construction, sound and lighting, and publicity. The members are in charge of the variety show and spring play.F. Interact:
This service organization works in conjunction with the Rotarians to provide community service and develop leadership.G. Key Club:
The Key Club is a service organization that works in close association with the local Kiwanis Club. In addition to fundraising for many organizations and general community service, the St. Bonaventure Key Club is involved with raising money and volunteering service for the school staff.H. Knowledge Bowl:
This team is composed of eight students and two alternates who compete against other county high schools. This team demonstrates quick recall in addition to knowledge.I. Letter Club:
Any varsity letter person may join the letter club if he/she meets the eligibility requirements as set forth in the athletic program. The club gives service to the school by assisting in the supervision of athletic events, lunch areas, etc.J. Pep Club:
The main objective of this club is to promote school spirit among the students. Any student is eligible to join.K. Seraph Scrolls (Newspaper):
The school newspaper is written, edited and distributed by students on the staff under the direction of a faculty advisor. Newspaper staff positions are open to all students.L. Speech and Debate Team:
Any student interested in public speaking and willing to compete with other high schools is encouraged to join this team, which is a member of the Marmonte Forensic League, the California High School Speech Association, and the National Forensic League (dependent on interest).M. Junior Statesmen of America:
J.S.A. Members become more aware of political issues and the process of government (sponsored by the YMCA).N. Photo Club:
The Photo Club is open to any students who desire to participate in still photography. Students learn basic concepts in still photography and black and white darkroom techniques. The use of a manual camera is required for membership.O. Varsity Club:
The Varsity Club is open to any student with a varsity letter in any sport and is in good academic and disciplinary standing. Club members will assist in crowd control and setting up at home athletic contests and elsewhere as needed.
All posters, including those prepared by the Pep Club, must have the approval of the ASB moderator before being posted on the school campus or in the school. Posters may not be posted on lockers, walls of the building or classroom walls. Designated areas for posters will be assigned.